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Statement of Rep. Schneider on Rural Broadband and the Business Case for Small Carriers

Thank you, Mr. Chairman for holding this important hearing today. As a powerful tool for both consumers and entrepreneurs, the Internet serves small businesses in a multitude of ways. Unfortunately, 34 million Americans still lack access to high speed internet, of which 39 percent live in rural communities, compared to just 4% of those in urban areas. 
With more than 3.2 billion people online worldwide, Internet use has increased almost sevenfold in the past 15 years. Despite this, for small firms in rural areas, a lack of broadband access too often means trouble attracting new business, creating jobs, and breaking into new markets.
Time and again, we’ve seen how the internet can connect companies large and small with new markets and new customers—something especially important for rural small businesses. The internet has helped small businesses across the country grow, and we want to ensure that rural small businesses are not left behind due to poor connectivity or an unreliable network. This is why we must support the expansion of broadband infrastructure in rural areas. 
All of America’s entrepreneurs deserve a level playing field, regardless of where they’re based.
Today, we will hear more about how we can help small businesses connect to high-speed internet. On that note, I thank today’s witness for being here and I look forward to their testimony. 
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