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Ranking Member Velázquez on August Jobs Report

Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Nydia M. Velázquez (D-NY), Ranking Member of the House Small Business Committee, issued the following statement after the Labor Department released its August jobs report showing that nonfarm payroll employment increased by 142,000:
       “The August jobs report shows that the US economy continues to add new jobs at a steady rate. Today’s report brings the total number of jobs created under the Biden-Harris administration to nearly 16 million. At the same time, wages are rising faster than prices, and unemployment remains near historic lows. Under President Biden, a record 19 million entrepreneurs have applied to start new businesses, and small firms have created jobs at record rates.
       “Congress must focus on building on these accomplishments and passing legislation to help create more good jobs for everyday Americans. Instead, Republicans are threatening to shut down the government as they push an agenda of tax cuts for billionaires and cuts to the programs that working families rely on. These policies would take our country backward and threaten the incredible economic progress we’ve made under the Biden-Harris administration. I look forward to continuing to work with the President and my Democratic colleagues to advance policies to build an economy where working families can thrive.”


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