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04-17-24 Markup

The Committee on Small Business will hold a markup of legislation to amend the following seven measures. The markup will be held at 9:45 AM ET on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, in room 2360 of the Rayburn House
Office Building.

The items that will be marked up include:
1. H.R. 7984 – The Rural Small Business Resilience Act
2. H.R. 5333 – The Investing in All of America Act of 2023
3. H.R. 8014 – The Transparency and Predictability in Small Business Opportunities Act
4. H.R. 7987 – The Plain Language in Contracting Act
5. H.R. 7988 – The Small Business Procurement and Utilization Reform (SPUR) Act of 2024
6. H.R. 7985 – The Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Reporting Act of 2024
7. H.R. 7989– The ThinkDIFFERENTLY About Disability Employment Act

ANS to H.R. 5333 

Markup Notice 
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